Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore’s Commitment to Our Community, Stakeholders and Donors

Along with the rest of the world, we’ve been closely monitoring the evolving situation with COVID-19. It has brought uncertainty and disruption to the communities we serve, but Boys & Girls Clubs of the Muskegon Lakeshore’s top priority has not changed: the health, safety, social connectedness & educational enrichment of the youth we serve.

It is important we take a moment to keep you informed on how we are continuing to fulfill our mission & that we are doing everything we can to ensure the well-being of our members, as well as the staff and volunteers who are part of the Club.

We remain in close and regular contact with local, regional and state health officials and are monitoring the regular updates from the Federal government, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as the World Health Organization (WHO). Though the situation around the virus remains fluid, our goal is to continue our mission – to serve Muskegon Area youth who need us the most – ​both during and after the crisis affecting all of us now​.

We are excited to announce that over the past ten days BGCML has teamed up with partners to continue protecting the well-being of Muskegon area youth, as well as to continue fulfilling the mission of BGCML. Club staff have been busier than ever taking the following steps:

  1. Worked closely along school administration to provide meals to youth across Muskegon County.

  2. Launched VOICE (​V​irtual ​O​nline​ I​nteractive ​C​lub ​E​xperience), an online supplement for the Club which brings youth both social connectedness and educational enrichment to their homes. Youth are interacting virtually with peers and mentors through fun, educational, online group programs daily through Zoom Meetings & Chat with members who are similarly at home or other remote locations. Beta testing is complete, and VOICE is scheduled to launch to all Muskegon area youth Monday, March 30th.

  3. Taken the first steps to postpone the Great Futures Gala to keep our community safe, while continuing to seek other funding sources during this time to keep Muskegon Area Youth on a path to success in the out-of-school time.

  4. Moved ​all​ Club staff members to work remotely to reduce their risk of contracting and spreading infections, and ensure they have the necessary support during these uncertain times, including their regular paychecks.

  5. Established a Coronavirus Preparedness Task Force, made up of Club leadership and Board members, to monitor the situation, stay in close contact with health officials and share insights to Club staff, parents and the Muskegon Lakeshore community.

  6. The Coronavirus Preparedness Task Force followed the regulations put in place by the government and local school districts to close all schools and Club sites until at least April 13th, 2020.

  7. Reinforced our Standard Operating Procedures on safety, with additional emphasis on virus prevention protocols across the organization and to our Club members’ families.

The safety and well-being of our Club members & staff remains our foremost priority, and we will continue to share updates with you as quickly and transparently as possible.

How can you help?

If you are interested in taking action to support the Club’s mission during this crisis, consider the following:

  •  Continue to support the mission through VOICE, by investing in the Give A Kid A VOICE Fund. Our mission needs your support now more than ever! Muskegon area kids – and their parents – need us throughout this crisis.

  • Continue to talk about the important work the Club does to your network and the greater community.

  • Ask your company if they are interested in a matching opportunity to support the important work of the Club.

  • Like us on social media. Share, Click, Comment.

  • Volunteer to share your skills with Muskegon Area Youth by being a featured speaker on ​VOICE!

  • Attend the 2020 Great Futures Gala & pre order tickets & sponsorships- more details coming soon!

  • Mail gift cards from local grocery stores to our office, 900 Third Street, Suite 200 Muskegon, MI 49440 for distribution to families in need.

    Be Great,

    Dakota Crow
    Chief Professional Officer